Friday, May 10, 2013
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Collective connections
Type : Competition for Digital Fabrication
Client : Tex-Fab
Size : 110m2
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Status: Idea
Project Team : Namjoo Kim, Janghee Yoo
A connection is the media which transfers the force from one member to another. From this perspective, the idea of developing a structure from a connection means to define the relation between individual force and the whole dynamic. We devise a group of simple structural units which can show parametric correlation in spatial format: collective connections
This collective connections reacts to the site condition in the most generic way, adapting the circular perimeter. The 2/3 of the perimeter is covered with 60 structural units, and each of them is composed of 33 members and 18 connections. The combination of fixed and dynamic connections makes a unit mobile and reactive to the force imposed on it. And each unit is associated to the next one by the connecting axis in-between. The repetition of this condition enables to draw the transformation of invisible force into whole spatial movement.
Here, people sit, stand on, push, pull or interact with the structure in many different ways, and these local actions become a generator to change the global formation of the structure.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sports Center, Busan
Type : Competition
Client : Busan city
Collaborator : GDL architects
Size : 18,302m2
Location: 799 Yeonsan dong, Yeonje gu, Busan
Status: Idea
Project Team : Hyoeun Kim, Janghee Yoo,Namjoo Kim, Siyoung Kim
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Ramin Mehdizadeh of AbCT won the Memar Award 2010, first prize in residential section
Type : Commission
Client : Ramin Mehdizadeh, Mehdi Mehdizadeh, Hosein Sohrabpour
Size : 1,300m2
Location: Tehran, Iran
Status: Completed
Collaborator : Omid Khodapanahi, Mohsen Abrishamkar
Project in charge: Ramin Mehdizadeh
Project Team : Hyoeun Kim, Hanna Lee, Janghee Yoo, Namjoo Kim, Siyoung Kim
The project utilizes recycled stone to connect with local traditions in a modern sustainable way.
This project is built in Mahallat, a small town in the center of Iran, where more than 50% of the economy is engaged in stone cutting business. By recycling left-over stones from Mahallat’s main stream of business, we are able to connect ourselves and our project to the unique context of the town.The recycled stones used for the exterior create a subtle effect on geometry of the project, which consist of façade with emphatic angles. Slight roughness of mixed recycled stones creates somewhat warmer texture, effectively complementing sharply tailored façade. As a result, the project, which speaks the language of modern architecture, uniquely blends with verdant trees and surroundings of Mahallat, an old town which has seen more than a thousand year of history. Such coherent theme of locally-recycled stones is also reverberated in the interior of the project, where simple structure is accentuated by stone walls, creating a space that is expressed in a natural yet intimate manner.
The energy intensive local stone cutting industry in Mahallat largely depends on fossil fuel. Huge amount of energy is used to excavate and cut the stones. Yet, due to the inefficiency in the stone cutting technology, less than 50% of the stones are utilized, and the rest of the unused stones are thrown away as trash, further polluting the natural environment. In this project, we recycle these left-over stones and use them for both exterior and interior walls. In doing so, we demonstrate how an architectural solution can help us preserve precious natural resources in a creative way, and significantly reduce the cost.
This project is located in downtown Mahallat, a town where the architect spent most of his childhood. Such familiarity, and understanding of what makes Mahallat so unique and special to the residents, constitute the core quality this project brings forth.High construction cost and low selling price of residential units were big barriers for this project to happen. In order to solve this problem, we added some retail space on the ground floor, making the project financially feasible.
The project consists of retail space on the ground floor, and eight residential units on the four floors above. Two of these residential units are located on each floor and each of them is a three bedroom apartment. The coherent theme of locally-recycled stones of exterior walls is also reverberated in the interior of the project, where simple structure is accentuated by stone walls, creating a space that is expressed in a natural yet intimate manner.
These shutters can be freely opened or closed depending on weather conditions. During the summer, closed shutters can act as a cooling device by providing shades for the unit, whereas during the winter, open shutters can act as a warming device by enabling the sun to penetrate through the windows. This flexibility offered by these shutters will enhance the quality of living for residents, and will also help them to save energy all around the year.
Friday, October 8, 2010
APAP2010 OPEN HOUSE is completed!
안양공공예술프로젝트인 APAP2010의 오픈하우스가 완공되었습니다.
독일 건축가인 라움라보어(와 협력해 진행되었던
프로젝트로 안양시민을 위한 공간입니다.
visit our blog:
Type : Commission
Client : APAP
Location: Anyang, Korea
Status: Completed 2010
Project in Charge : Raumlabour Berlin
Matthias Rick with Jia Gu, Florian Stirnemann, Marius Busch and
Benjamin Frick,
Paula Henschel, Nick Green and Andreas Krauth
Collaboration Team : Janghee Yoo, Namjoo Kim, Citizens of Anyang
NMOMA is featured on PLUS magazine
국립현대미술관 서울관
참여작인터뷰 질문
1. 도시공간구조상 국립현대미술관이 갖는 건축의 성격은 무엇이라고 생각하는가?
2. 미래형 미술관이란 어떤 미술관이고 현대미술관 서울관은 어떤 미술관이 되길 바라는가?
3. 현상설계 참가자로서 주최 측과 당선작에게 바라는 점은?
2010.9, 281호 p107
Monday, August 9, 2010
door table
The door for the meeting room from a previous office turned into the meeting 'table'!
이전에 미팅룸 출입용으로 사용되었던 문이 미팅 '테이블'이 되었습니다!
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